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Welcome Members
Welcome Members

     2019 Club of the Year

Bike Flat
Click the pic to report road problems to Lee County Request for Action, or call 239-533-9400

For CAPE CORAL potholes, contact 311 Call Center or 239-574-0425.
HomeGroup Riding



DO show up 15-30 min. before the ride rolls.

DO check your tire pressure & bike mechanics.

DO bring water and/or sports drink to stay hydrated.

DO introduce yourself to other riders & ride leader before the ride.

DO wear a helmet.

DO listen to pre-ride announcements by the Ride Leader.

DO carry a basic repair kit with levers, tube, CO2, pump, patches.

DO carry ID and emergency contact info (Road ID or similar).

DO use a speedometer on your handlebars.

DO use lights front & back - be seen day and night.
Lights flashing during the day
Steady at dawn, dusk, and night

DO point out road hazards.
Use hand and/or verbal signals for holes, debris, riders/runners ahead etc.

DO signal turns and stops.

DO ride smoothly and predictably.

DO call out “slowing” or “stopping” to warn following riders.

DO call “mechanical” if you or your bike have a problem.

DO stay attentive.
Watch the rider two ahead of yourself instead of just the wheel ahead.

DO maintain the group pace when taking a turn pulling out front in a paceline.

DO signal your intent to pull off the front of a paceline.
Use a hip tap or elbow flick on the side you want the paceline to pass you on.

DO keep a steady speed as you are dropping off the front.

DO observe stop signs and traffic lights.
FL law says up to 10 riders can move through a stop sign as a group.

DO watch closely on bike paths for cars at driveways and intersections.
Cars may not be watching the paths.

DO be friendly and ask questions. Cyclists are generally kind and helpful!


DON’T weave, surge, or brake suddenly.

DON’T ride uncomfortably close to the wheel ahead.
Think feet, not inches

DON’T use aero bars in a group ride.

DON’T cross wheels with the person in front of you.
The person behind may need to move right or left to avoid debris.
If you happen to overlap a wheel, audibly let them know and then drift back behind as soon as you can.

DON’T speed up when you move to the front of a paceline.

DON’T throw wrappers off your bike. Tuck trash away in your pockets.

DON’T cross an intersection if you don’t feel it’s safe. Always look both ways yourself.

DON’T bonk. Bring enough food & water for the ride.