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A family of cyclists in Southwest Florida since 1988
Welcome Members
Welcome Members

     2019 Club of the Year

Bike Flat
Click the pic to report road problems to Lee County Request for Action, or call 239-533-9400

For CAPE CORAL potholes, contact 311 Call Center or 239-574-0425.



At just $20 for individuals and $30 for families (up to 4 members,) membership dues are very affordable! Consider the added benefits below, discounted entry fees to paid events, and free events like the Holiday Party, Member Appreciation Day and Christmas Lights rides, and membership is an even greater value.

Scheduled weekly rides

Multiple organized ride opportunities throughout the week (usually at least six rides, check the ride calendar for the most up to date scheduled ride), for several levels of ability.

Special Events

Our members enjoy special multi-day and overnight cycling trips, as well as special holiday events. Past events have included: 4th of July/Summer gathering, an end of year dinner party and bike trips to Key West and other locations.

Monthly Membership Meetings

In season, the CRBC hosts monthly membership meetings to conduct club business as well as to keep its members educated and informed. Guest speakers have discussed topics such as bicycle maintenance and bicycle law.


CRBC members have access to $10,000 supplementary medical accident insurance on scheduled, sanctioned CRBC Rides.

Discounts at local bike shops

CRBC members receive a 10% discount on most non-sale parts and accessories at these local shops.


Advocacy for bicycle trails, lanes and road improvements with local government.