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Welcome Members
Welcome Members

     2019 Club of the Year

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News / Articles


Photo credit: Kathy Carbone

Welcome to Caloosa Riders Bicycle Club

Thank you for visiting our club website!

Feel free to check out the other pages on this website for additional club information and especially Membership Benefits and Member Signup.

We're glad you're here and look forward to meeting you in person on a ride!

New to cycling?


If you are new to cycling, getting back into riding, or new to group rides, check out our Getting Started and Group Riding pages for helpful information.

Experienced cyclist?

If you are an experienced group cyclist looking to join in on our club group rides, check out our Event and Ride Calendar to find all the details on ride speeds, routes, and start locations. The Group Riding page also has helpful information.

Our Sunday morning Welcome Ride is a good place to start getting acquainted and ask about the vibe of other group rides you might be considering.

Be sure to show up about 20-30 min. before ride starts to meet the ride leader and other riders.

Facebook Groups

Club riders use our Facebook groups to connect and post notices of rides and last minute changes or cancellations.

Please join these groups to stay in the know.

Our club page Caloosa Riders Bicycle Club is where club news and announcements are posted.

The more active group for ride information is the CRBC Ride Group